I am not a coffee snob. I'm not even a huge coffee drinker. I never really was. I have developed an affinity to drinking coffee on occasion when I'm completely overwhelmed, overscheduled, and have looming deadlines (which has been the case more often recently). That being said I can say that I have drank more coffee in the last year than I did in all my previous years drinking coffee. I remember my mom drinking coffee every morning before work. The little Folgers crystals that came in a jar. One tablespoon in a cup of hot water. A little cream, lots of sugar. That's how she likes it. I was never a fan of the coffee crystals. I drank it every now and then because that's was was available at home but my first trip to Starbucks changed all that. Would Starbucks be considered gormet coffee?? Maybe, or maybe not. But it was my first taste at good coffee, and I haven't went back to those crystals yet.
Coffee really became popular for me in college. Pulling those all nighters studying (ok not really studying, he he) and having to be up early for those 7 AM classes, coffee became a regular way of life for me. After getting my first real job as a secretary for a CPA firm, coffee was the culture at work. Now I drink coffee at least a 3 days per week and sometimes on the weekends. I just like it. And the weird part is that I actually have a cafeine allergy so instead of the energy boost, it totally relaxes me. Weird right??
When my doctor told me about my cafeine allergy, I instantly started researching coffee and it's effects. That led me to research different types of coffee's and tea's, and that in turn led me to a few coffee specific purchases.
Number # 1:
Today as I popped into my local starbucks, Double Grande Vanilla Latte was the drink of choice, I happened upon a French press. I've been looking into getting one of these at work for quite some time because I wouldn't have to have a full fledge coffee maker in my classroom. These things can get pretty pricey but Starbucks had one for $16.95 and I thought that was a deal. I also got an accessories pack that included a measure, fill (looks just like a beaker from science class, a stir (which is just a wooden spoon, a steep (or a timer.....Gotta love the names), and a clean (which is just a spatula). Was this kit absolutely necessary?? Nope. Is it cute? Yep. And it was on clearance. I'm still a sucker for the clearance rack.
Number # 2
My starbucks orders have gotten very elaborate. I started off with the Grande Caramel Macchiato. Then it went to a Non-Fat Double Grande Caramel Macchiato, No Whip. Now my favorite is a Triple Grande Fat-Free Soy Vanilla Latte, No foam. Ok Ok, that may be a bit of an exaggeration but it's always weird to have to explain my order to my bff when she's picking up starbucks for us on the weekend. Can you please get me a Triple Grande Soy Vanilla latte no whip. The first time I said this she totally was silent on the phone and I could tell she was trying to figure out what the HELL i was talking about. lol.
Number # 3
So as much as I love starbucks, I sometimes feel that their coffee has a burnt taste. Now I'm not a professional coffee taster by any means but sometimes I feel that my coffee is burnt or the after taste is bitter. Can you burn coffee?? I guess the beans could burn?? And of course you can find tons of blog posts, websites, and articles online about how starbucks over-roasts their coffee beans. In any case, I've been looking into other coffee brands and friends of mine have recommended tons of them to me, but I live in the Houston suburbs and Starbucks is the coffee of choice out here. So off for more coffee induced internet research. I definitely want to try Dunkin Donuts coffee because my friends up north really love it and we don't have Dunkin Donuts here in Houston. ***I stand corrected. We have 3 Dunkin Donuts locations here in Houston. I will be making a trip there over the weekend.
I happened across a coffee company online via the NYTimes called Stumptown Coffee. They have a wide variety of coffee's from around the world but they are only located in NY, but thanks to the internet I can have the beans shipped right to my door. I'm told that a french press produces a much richer, better tasting coffee but only time will tell. I think I might do a comparison between Stumptown, Dunkin Donuts, and Starbucks coffee. I will let you guys know the outcome (from an ameatur's point of view of course).
So I know a few people who are coffee snobs but I certainly don't think that I am one of them. I'm just delving into the world of gormet coffee. And really, what in the world does gormet really mean? Is it gormet just because it's expensive? Hard to find? Not available to a mass market? Not known on a wide scale? Who knows. I just want coffee that taste good, if not great. And I'm on a mission to find it.
Are you a coffee snob?? Pop over to ineedcoffee.com to see. It is a pretty funny read.